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Did you know that group singing is the most popular arts activity in the United States? It heals, creates energy and hope, fosters relationships, and inspires communities to work for change in our world.

Sing Unto God is uniquely positioned at the intersection of Judaism, Music, and Community.  We are a home for anyone who is passionate about creating communities of healing, wholeness, justice, and joy through the power of music and song. Our mission is to elevate the importance and impact of communal singing however and wherever Jews gather.


33rd Hava Nashira
at Camp OSRUI

Join us for the original songleader conference
May 18 - 21, 2025, 
in Oconomowoc, WI.

Reinvesting in the
Sounds of Summer

Read Cantor Rosalie Will's piece in eJewish Philanthropy about the crisis in camp songleading and how to fix it.

National Teen Songleader

Emerging leaders in 8th - 12th grades learn how to collaboratively build strong Jewish communities filled with song

Advertisement for Cantor Rosalie Will Songleading Book

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Sing Unto God is a registered
501c3 non-profit organization.

©2024 Sing Unto God, Inc.
North Bethesda, MD

JLicense Trademark and Link
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